Refund Policy

If you do not agree with the terms of service, please do not sign up

1. Because we provide digital goods and services that are considered "intangible," we do not issue refunds. By accepting the Terms of Service and using the Site, you acknowledge that no refunds of purchases shall be issued.

2. Promotional Free trials may be issued either by using a coupon code or automatically provided during sign up. To cancel, log in to your account, go to Subscriptions, and click the "Cancel Subscription" button. If you choose to continue your subscription, you will then be charged on the following day of service when your trial expires. We cannot offer refunds if you do not cancel on time.

3. Customers currently using the Patreon billing service will continue to be charged monthly unless you cancel through Patreon. We do not have access to your account, we are not Patreon, and it is your responsibility to log in to your Patreon account and cancel your subscription.

3a. Customers currently using the Patreon service and choose to sign up through the Trade 13/48 platform are responsible for cancelling their Patreon account. We do not have access to your Patreon account, and it is your responsibility to log in to your Patreon account and cancel your subscription. We cannot offer you a refund either through Patreon or our new billing system. We must reiterate, we are not Patreon. We are not responsible for your Patreon account and billing.

4. Promotions are one-per-person. If it is found that you have abused this policy, we will revoke access to our products and it is up to you to cancel your subscription. No refunds will be issued for abuse of this policy.

5. Abuse of the Terms Of Service will result in your access being revoked, permanently. No refund will be issued and it is up to you to make sure your subscription has been cancelled.

6. Although we strive for the highest up-time, we cannot issue "partial-refunds" due to outages or system downages.

7. We cannot control the market, and, from time to time, our data may fluctuate. It is up to you to manage risk and make informed decisions. We do not issue refunds for this reason.

8. Lifetime Memberships, Three Year memberships, and One-Year Master are non-refundable after 24 hours. It is important that you understand this before completing your purchase. We understand this is a big decision. If you cancel within your 24 hour window, we will refund you minus $80 to cover processing fees. In the event the company dissolves, we will not be held responsible for lifetime subscriptions.

9a. Structured Lifetime Plans are not the same as Standard Lifetime Plans and do not offer the same features and benefits. Structured Lifetime Plans purchased after February 1st will be charged $150 per month for 10 month and is not eligible for the same refund policy as the standard lifetime plan in section 8.

9b. You many cancel your Structured Lifetime Plan at any time for any reason, but will not be entitled to a refund. Once you are charged, you are not entitled to a refund for any portion of your payments.

9c. In the event you default on your Structured Lifetime Plan for any reason, your account will be forfeited, cancelled, and no refund will be issued for any portion of your payments. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure your payment method is up to date, active, and contains sufficient funds.

9d. If your Structured Lifetime Plan is cancelled or forfeited for any reason, we will not reinstate your account.

10. Refunds or proration of funds is not available when upgrading from monthly to another plan. When upgrading from Annual to a Lifetime or Three Year plan, we will prorate the rest of your balance as a Credit towards your upgrade.

11. Gift Cards are a great way to introduce your friends and family to Trade 13/48. We cannot issue refunds for gift cards at any time. If you choose to no longer use the card, you may share your gift card code with someone else so they may enjoy it. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST OR STOLEN GIFT CARD CODES! IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO TREAT THE CODE AS CASH AND MAKE SURE THE CORRECT PERSON REDEEMS THE CODE. In the event the company dissolves, we will not be held responsible for remaining gift card balances.

12. All sales of our video courses such as the TradingView Mastery course are final and non-refundable, as the course videos are downloadable and accessible immediately upon purchase.

ALL CONTENT, STRATEGY AND PLATFORMS ARE COPYRIGHT OF CROSSOVER GROUP, LLC. YOU MAY NOT REDISTRIBUTE OR RESELL IT WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION. Your access will be immediately revoked, no refunds will be issued, and immediate legal action will be taken if appropriate.

Updated February 2, 2023